Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Guest Night

Last night, I attended a guest night at Sibley Lodge in Winthrop. We had one prospective member in attendance. After a light supper, the guest and brothers present adjourned to the lodge room, where Worshipful Master Kevin Pioske and Past Grand Master Steve Johnson explained the history and purpose of Minnesota Masonry, as well as answered several questions.

It has been my experience that lodges that have Guest Nights are lodges that receive petitions for new members. Guest Nights are very easy to host - just a light supper and a knowledgeable Mason to make a presentation and answer some questions. If any lodge wishes assistance in hosting a Guest Night, including a Grand Lodge officer to help with the presentation and questions, just contact the Grand Secretary and he'll coordinate the arrangements.

If you are not a Mason, and would be interested in attending a Guest Night, or learning more about Freemasonry in Minnesota, contact the Grand Secretary and he will put you in touch with a Brother who can answer the questions or extend the invitation.