I had the pleasure to bring greetings from the Grand Lodge of Minnesota to the 50th Feast and Forum of the Philalethes Society, meeting in Bloomington Minnesota Saturday. About 70 Masons attended this great event, which was chaired by President, and Past Minnesota Grand Master, Terry Tilton.
Our own Grand Lodge Education Officer Ed Halpaus was installed as Secretary of the Society. WB Ed also moderated a forum on Friday evening which was most well-received.
PGM Thomas Jackson also presented a paper on building bridges between Greek fraternities on college campuses and Freemasonry.
The banquet Saturday night was great. One photo shows MWB Tilton administering the oath to the incoming officers - WB Ed Halpaus is in the middle!
Another photo shows MWB Tilton presenting me with a personalized Philalethes coin. Thank you, MWB Terry and all the members of the Society.