Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Joint Visit with Most Worshipful Grand Master, Prince Hall Grand Lodge

Deputy Grand Master John Cook and I joined Most Worshipful Brother Alex D. Horne, Sr. at a visit to Minnesota River Valley Lodge No. 6 in Shakopee. MWB Horne and I had the opportunity to address a packed house in the Lodge Room and then adjourn to the fellowship hall for cake and refreshments.

MWB Alex gave a most moving and interesting history of Prince Hall Masonry, and his journey through the chairs to the Grand East. I was most impressed with his enthusiasm and dedication to our Craft, and the articulate manner in which he told our story.

Thanks to the Worshipful Master, Gary Sankary, and the officers and members of MRV#6 for a great evening. I think that, other than my home lodge, Sibley #209, I have sat in lodge in MRV or its predecessor more than any other lodge. Thanks for your long-standing and continuing friendship.