Saturday, September 26, 2009


When I logged on this morning, one "appointment" popped up: 26.

As in, 26 weeks left before RWB John Cook becomes MWB John Cook (tradition prevailing) and I become PGM (Prestige Gone, Man!)

It's been a great six months. A recap: Over 13,500 miles in the car for lodge business. One or more lodge events 0n 88 days, including 33 lodge visits, one cornerstone and three visits to other Grand Lodge annual communications.

While the pace has been hectic, and there are always administrative and other issues to deal with, it has been a wonderful experience so far. The respect and affection that the Craft pays the Grand Master is truly humbling, as is the opportunity to speak for the fraternity to the media.

I know the next 26 weeks will fly by, and I'm trying to enjoy every one as much as I can. I am blessed to be serving with a terrific, hard-working progressive line and corporate board. I can assure you that all the wonderful things you have heard about our Grand Secretary, Doug Campbell, are absolutely true.

I am even more blessed with a supportive and understanding wife. Thank you, Patty!

Thank you, Brothers, for this magnificent opportunity to serve the Craft we all love so well.