Thursday, September 3, 2009

Masons at the State Fair

Since we are transitioning the KidsID program, this year at the State Fair booth we are promoting the Take 25 Program from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. This program encourages parents, grandparents, etc., to take 25 minutes and talk to their loved children about safety. The program gives specific, age-appropriate ways to talk about this important subject - keeping kids safe without scaring them too much.

I worked the 5 - 9 p.m. shift last night. The photo shows the changing of the shift at the booth.

It was kind of a slow night in the Education Building. We did have several parents and teachers stop by and pick up a brochure, as well as ask about the identification program we'll be rolling out after the first of the year. (Pilot/test projects will begin in October.)

It was a nice evening spent with good friends and brothers. Patty went along, too, and ran into Julie Neddermeyer (wife of PGM Neil) at the Horticulture Building.

If you attend the Great Minnesota Get-Together, please stop by the Education Building and say hi to the brothers in our booth. And, don't forget the Eastern Star food building. You may have to ask for directions to find it, but the food (and service!) is great!