Monday, August 31, 2009

Sir Winston Churchill Lodge No. 351

Yesterday, I and other Grand Lodge officers had the privilege of constituting a new lodge in Minnesota. Sir Winston Churchill Lodge No. 351 was formed to practice and present emulation degrees in the British tradition. Additionally, the inaugural officers of SWC 351 were duly installed.

After the ceremonies at Excelsior Lodge, the pipes and drums led the way to the end of the block, and Jake O'Connor's Irish Pub, where a very nice festive board was held. The toasts were given in a slightly different manner than we are used to in our table lodges here in Minnesota.

Visiting dignitaries included MWB Akram Elias, Past Grand Master of the District of Columbia, RWB Alan Tibbits, Deputy District Grand Master of Ontario, Canada, and WB Joseph Howell of Ben Franklin Lodge No. 83, Madison Wisconsin, who was pleased to report that the number of emulation lodges in the Upper Midwest had just doubled in number! (Ben Franklin No. 83 being the other one.)

Congratulations to Worshipful Master John Gann and the members of Sir Winston Churchill Lodge No. 351, and especially to MWB Thomas Jackson, who had much to do with the formation of this lodge when he was Grand Master last year.