Friday, February 12, 2010

St Cloud VA Veterans Recognition Day

Patty and I traveled to St Cloud Friday morning for a program at the Veterans Administration Hospital there. After a brief orientation, we broke into smaller groups to visit some of the patients there, delivering valentines, long distance calling cards and vouchers to be used at the commissary. It was very nice to shake hands with true American heroes, who have given so much in the defense of our country.

Back in the lunchroom, we had an opportunity to see some remarkable artwork done by the veterans at the hospital. The winners go on to the national contest. Good luck to our local veterans!

We also had the chance to spend much of the morning with Peter Kloslowski, the Masonic Service Association liaison to the St Cloud VA for about 18 years. Peter and the other dedicated MSA volunteers at the VA hospitals in Minnesota and throughout the nation. Thank you!