Last night, I was privileged to be the Installing Master for the 2010 officers at my home lodge in Winthrop. These brothers will open Grand Lodge in St. Cloud for me on March 26.
One of the few downsides to being Grand Master is that I don't get to my own lodge on many occasions. Last night was a great night to be there and catch up on what's happening locally.
And, there is a lot! We have three Entered Apprentices working on their proficiency. A fourth candidate is scheduled to be initiated January 19 - along with perhaps two candidates from Charity Lodge in New Ulm! Work is being done to improve the kitchen and more work is planned for the dining area.
Congratulations, Worshipful Master Kevin Pioske, and the officers elect and appointed for 2010 for Sibley Lodge No. 209, Winthrop Minnesota!