Saturday, April 25, 2009

Table Lodge

It has been the custom among the fraternity of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, at an
appropriate time in the activities of the lodge, to adjourn to the banquet room and there open a table lodge for the purpose of celebrating the traditional “Ceremony of the Seven Toasts.”

Last evening, the Brothers of Sibley Lodge No. 209 hosted a table lodge in my honor which was attended by over 140 brothers and friends. This event was held at the newly-refurbished Winthrop Veterans Club. The facilities, the service and the food were excellent.

Of all the fellowship events that a lodge may conduct, there are none more fun than a table lodge.

During the next 48 weeks, I know I will have the opportunity to do many interesting, fun and memorable things. But, on March 27, 2010, when I look back on the events of the preceding year, I am confident that the Sibley Lodge Table Lodge of April 25, 2009, will be the memorable event of the year.