Monday, March 16, 2009

Happy St Patrick's Day

Minnesota's Grand Lodge Education Officer, Ed Halpaus, has a very nice history of St Patrick, and his connection to the United States, in his most recent newsletter, Mir Licht (More Light). You can subscribe to this terrific Masonic education resource by going to and put your e-mail address in the mailing list box.

Tonight (Tuesday), it's my turn to help out with supper at Sibley Lodge. I'll be serving Irish Stew and Brother Kelly Pierson will help out with a couple of green desserts. Should be fun! My last meeting at my home lodge before the Grand Lodge of Minnesota Annual Communication.

St Patrick is a significant historical figure. Taken to Ireland from his native Britain as a slave, he escaped, made his way home, became a cleric and returned to Ireland as a missionary. His story is a prime example of what one dedicated person can accomplish - a lesson all Masons can learn from.

St. Patrick left many writings, and some that are attributed to him, but may not have been written by him. The following falls into that category, though it is a wonderful prayer and meditation.

St Patrick's Day is more than green beer and Irish songs that were written in Tin Pan Alley. Before you head out to celebrate this evening, ponder the Lorica of St. Patrick.

Lorica (Breastplate) of St. Patrick

I gird myself today with the might of heaven;
The rays of the sun,
The beams of the moon
The glory of fire,
The speed of wind,
The depth of sea,
The stability of earth,
The hardness of rock.
I gird myself today with the power of God.