Brotherly love, relief and truth have been bedrock tenets of Masonry practically since its inception. Brotherly love has several connotations. It can be advice to a brother, assistance with a friendly ear or in some cases financial. It is whispering good counsel in a brother's ear so that he may avoid danger.
And, it is the simple yet profound concept of "Fellowship".
Last night, I joined the brothers of my home lodge, Sibley Lodge No. 209 in Winthrop, for the last stated communication before the Grand Lodge communication in just a week and a half. I had the privilege of helping out with the supper before the meeting and was happy to show off my heritage with some decent Irish stew.
I am so very touched by the support and encouragement of my brothers in Sibley Lodge as I look forward to the election and installation of the 2009 Grand Master. Worshipful Master Kevin Pioske, Secretary and Past Grand Master Steve Johnson and Past Masters (and presumptive one-year appointees for next year) Steve Saxton and Pete Schue especially have been terrific. They are planning a table lodge at the Winthrop Veterans Club for April 25 that should be a great time.
Also a nod of brotherly love to my Masonic Dad, Past Grand Master Neil Neddermeyer, who appointed me to the progressive line which, tradition prevailing, will culminate in my election as Grand Master. Neil drove all the way from Maple Grove to join me at last night's communication. Thank You! Neil is a terrific resource for me, and for all Masons. Check out his stockpile of writings, powerpoints and other informatoin at