It was my privilege to present the jewel to be worn by the Grand Master in the ensuing year. In presenting the jewel, I used the presentation by PGM Ray Christensen:
This is the Jewel of Minnesota Masonry, presented by the craft, to be worn by the Grand Master of Minnesota in the performance of his duties for the Craft. Its weight is a reminder of his obligations and the source of his authority.
The leather is battle worn, indicating that the humble and intense service of your predecessors is expected of those who would wear it.
The jewel has amazing clarity and value, denoting the clarity of thought demanded of you and the value the craft places in your decisions and leadership.
The badge is tarnished, not only from the errors of each of its wearers, but also from the many tears each has shed for the craft.
The Past Grand Masters join with me in the admonition to wear this badge of office with pride and honor, acting with kindness and knowledge, and above all being humble and acting with fairness to all.
Godspeed my brother!
(The photo shows Grand Master Cook with a beautiful hand-crafted gavel, presented to him prior to installation.)