Here is an essay submitted for presentation at Grand Lodge on why a Mason should become a York Rite Mason. Thanks to Kris Pich, High Priest , St John’s Lake Harriet Chapter # 9
Why should I join the York Rite? I have been asked this many times and you may have even asked yourself that question. All blue lodges in
In the third degree we lean that the master’s word is lost. The brothers who continue on with their York Rite education know this is not the case. Through the four degrees of the Chapter the blanks in the story of the third degree are filled in. The Chapter degrees cumulate with the beautiful and moving Royal Arch degree where candidates learn the true word!
A Mason must have completed the chapter degrees before being eligible to receive the Cryptic Council degrees. In the two degrees of the Cryptic Council, Cryptic Masons learn of other incidents at the building of the first temple and why the word was lost and how it was preserved. The council degrees will help you better understand the Master Mason degree as well as the Royal arch degree.
A Mason must also have completed the chapter degrees before being eligible to receive the three Knight Templar degrees or orders as they are called in the Knight Templar Commandery. These degrees portray beautiful and impressive lessons and explain the Christian interpretation of freemasonry.
Please keep in mind you do not have to be a Christian to join or receive any York Rite degrees. Along with finishing your York Rite education, seeing the impressive degrees performed and experiencing more great Masonic brotherhood why wouldn’t you join?