In attendance were the two winners of the Sibley Lodge scholarships. Shown in the photo are the scholarship winners, Abby Sharp and Kacy Kuscienko, along with PGM Steve Johnson, WM Kevin Pioske and yours truly.
One of the requirements of the application for the scholarship is for the student to write a letter to George Washington. These young ladies were very articulate and excerpts from their letters are in order:
Without the leadership, devotion and willingness you gave to the nation when the bicameral government system was first introduced, the nation would not have the future it’s living today. Thank you George Washington for being the one who initiated a great change in our nation which then became the backbone of the United States’ stability and success. – Kacy Kuscienko
While the ways of communicating have certainly changed and improved, the attributes of being a Mason appear to have changed little and men today still strive to achieve the same qualities you shared with fellow Masons long ago. Masonry teaches the same lessons about love, compassion, hard work, integrity and devotion. Just as back in the 1790’s when your job as our country’s leader was grueling and time consuming without the use of technology or innovative machines, and your fellow Masons were there to support you in the very difficult decisions you made, you should know that today’s Masons still share that same dedication to each other. – Abby Sharp
With young leaders like this, the Country’s future appears in good hands!
Post Script: PGM Johnson informed me that the evening’s chef, Worshipful Master Kevin Pioske, went on line and so he could use the same recipe that George Washington used when he roasted the wieners for the potluck after laying the cornerstone at the U.S. Capitol!