Monday night marked the Second Annual Table Lodge with officials from the University of Minnesota. The event was held at Coffman Union, and was a terrific amount of fun!
About three dozen Masons were joined by a like amount from the University for the traditional seven toasts, good food and fellowship. A personal thanks to WB Ralph Magnuson, who rearranged his schedule to be there and pipe in the head table. I do so look forward to paying Dr. Ralph his Piper's wages!
At the head table with me were Mark Eustis, President and CEO of Fairview University Health Systems and Dr. Frank Cerra, Senior Vice President for Health Sciences and Dean of the Medical School.
I was also pleased that my son, Brother Mark McCarthy, and son-in-law, Brother Rick Zak, were able to join us for the festivities.
I'm all ready looking forward to the THIRD annual Table Lodge!