Brothers Ron Campbell and Paul Matuschek were recognized as the 2008 and 2009 Hiram recipients. The photo shows District representative Don Nolly, Brother Campbell, yours truly, Brother Matuschek, 2009 W.M. Jay Weinblatt and 2008 W.M. Raul Valverde.
Rabbi Harold Kushner has written that rather than seeking to be the star of the show, we should aspire to be the Best Supporting Actor. Hiram, King of Tyre, was the best supporting actor in the building of King Solomon's Temple. While we have two Hirams in the ritual of the Master Mason degree, I would maintain that it is Hiram, King of Tyre that exemplifies the dedication and service, often out of the public eye and behind the scenes, that best explains the criteria for selecting a Hiram recipient - the highest honor a lodge can bestow on its members.